Odd what you find laying around

With the historic cold and disruption to life and work the Feb 14th snow storms brought to north Texas I did a very little re-organizing to the home office and found my laptop I bought my first week back in the US (the very one I am writing this on) and my old Palm Pilot from college.  I would have been nice if I had found about 2-3 hours in each day to get back to writing because, boy oh boy have I had an opinion or 5,000 on what has happened since 2016.

Alas, life has other plans.  I cannot realistically get into details on jobs, living arrangements, kids activities, societal woes, and the general state of the universe however I can level set by discussing, briefly, the present status.

  • Kids are great and fully adapted to US life.  They have retained as much of the Chinese culture as they can and did visit China every summer until COVID erupted on the scene.
  • Wife is still adjusting and working, albeit not in the capacity she was, but we are hoping things will look up soon.
  • We are all healthy and fortunate to be in a great neighborhood, school district, and general place.
  • Photography is still a main hobby, just hard to fit it in now days (some great new gear keeps me going)
  • I did renew my FAA registration and took the drone up to capture video of the snow
  • I have embraced my long suppressed American rights and… More on that later
  • As the primary driver of the family the opportunity arose and was seized and we have a “soon to be classic” in the garage… More on that later

So, how many posts and how often will there be new content?  I don’t know.  I have some ideas on refreshing the blog, updating my obsolete WordPress pages.  Balance blogging with video and my 2 current hobbies/obsessions.  So who knows, I would be lucky to get something written monthly.  I am not even sure if anyone reads blogs anymore, or reads for that matter.  I believe they do.  Books are still a thing, heck my kids have filled up over half the family library space and their rooms with books and the local Barnes & Noble, Half Priced Book stores see us regularly.

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